Women in Neurology @ U of T
Mentorship in Women’s Neurology (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion)
In 2017, Dr. Bui wanted to create a space where women trainees within our program could safely, and fully explore important sex and gender-based themes that were often either unexplored or incompletely explored in the formal neurology residency curriculum. Created by Dr. Bui in 2018, the Women in Neurology @ UofT was launched. These sessions have been supported by the Division of Neurology under the leadership of Drs. Xavier Montalban and David Tang-Wai and co-led by resident physician leaders Dr. Priscilla Kwan (2019), Dr. Priti Gros (2020), Dr. Katherine Sawicka (2021), Dr. Sydney Lee (2022), Dr. Amy Yu (2023). The inaugural session featured Dr. Roberta Bondar – world's first neurologist in space and her reflections on cracking the glass ceiling.
These past few years have included the following topics:
F-words in Neurology (Family, Friendships and Free time): Finding a Balance with Drs. Katina Tzanetos and Aleksandra Pikula
Authentic Practice – How to stay true to yourself while impressing others. with Natalie Ruskin founder of MOMentum and Dr. Tia Pham, award-winning educator and physician
Community versus Academic, heck why not both? Exploring different models of practice including unconventional models
The Early Years with invited women faculty in their first five years of practice (Canada and US) willing to share their do’s, their don’ts, as well as their never-have-I-evers.
Neurology by the Number$$: Financial myths and Golden Rules – women faculty at different stages in the careers share the experiences balancing work, parental leave and their checking accounts
“Call Me by My Name: Doctor” with Dr. Karen Devon
More F-words in Medicine (Fertility and egg-Freezing) with women faculty willing to share their fertility journey
Surviving and Thriving the Royal College year: Special guests - a our newly minted graduates of 2021
Women and Negotiating – Tackling the Gender Divide with Dr. Niem Huynh
The Gender Pay Gap with Dr. Tara Kiran co-authored of Gender-based differences in physician payments within the fee-for-service system in Ontario: a retrospective, cross-sectional study. CMAJ. 2021 Oct 18;193(41)
Dr. Mom, MRP (Most Responsible Parent) exploring the balance of parenting and physician-ing for with women faculty who are moms to children through a range of ages from new-borns to university bound. An evening of shared misadventures and laughter in being MRP
Wo-mentoring: What it takes to successfully mentor women in medicine with invited guests, Dr. Catherine Zahn and Dr. Caroline Geenen
Hit me with your best (head)shot: Developing a professional person as a woman in medicine with invited guest: Heather Sherman, Communications expert and Paige Thompson, professional photographer https://instagram.com/bypaigethompson?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Financial Literacy for Women - An evening you cannot afford to miss: With special guests Dr. Emily Swinkin and Dr. Stephanie Zhou @breakingbaddebt